So You Want To Adopt?

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Please Think Before You Leap

There are various situations to consider before adopting a lifelong friend. It can happen to the best of us. You see a cute, harlequin Dane with a pink nose, just begging for attention. Or maybe it's a gorgeous black Dane whose tail seems to be wagging just for you. You take one look, and the next thing you know, you're shopping online for new toys!

If you're like most of us, falling in love with a Great Dane is easy. And no wonder! Sharing your home with a four-legged friend can be one of life's greatest joys. These Gentle Giants give us unconditional loyalty and acceptance, provide constant companionship, and even help relieve stress after a hard day's work.

Things To Know

The fact that you're thinking about adopting from rescue means you're a responsible and caring person. But before you make that decision to bring a Dane into your life, take a moment to think over these questions:

Why do you want a Great Dane?

It's amazing how many people fail to ask themselves this simple question before they get any pet. Adopting a pet just because it's "the thing to do" or because the kids have been begging for a puppy usually ends up being a big mistake. Don't forget that Danes may be with you for another 8-10  years.


Do you have time for a Great Dane?

They are majestic and loyal companions, but they do require a significant amount of time and attention. Great Danes need regular exercise to keep them healthy and happy, as well as mental stimulation to prevent boredom. This breed is known for its gentle nature, making them wonderful family pets, but they do thrive on human interaction and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long.


Can you afford a Great Dane?   

This is an important question to consider before bringing one of these gentle giants into your home. Great Danes, while loving and loyal pets, come with their own set of financial responsibilities. These large dogs require a significant amount of high-quality food to maintain their health and energy levels. Expect to spend around $70 to $100 per month on dog food alone. Veterinary care is another crucial expense. Great Danes are prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, and bloat, which can result in costly vet visits and treatments. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative medications can add up to $500 to $1,000 per year.

Additionally, it's wise to have a financial plan for potential emergencies, which could cost thousands of dollars. Other expenses to consider include pet insurance, which can help mitigate some of the veterinary costs, grooming supplies, toys, and training.

Owning a Great Dane is a significant financial commitment. By carefully evaluating these costs and ensuring you have the means to provide for this Giant breed, you can make an informed decision that benefits both you and your future best friend.


Are your living arrangements suitable for a Great Dane?   

Great Danes are recognized as the gentle giants within the realm of dogs, classified as a giant breed rather than just a large breed. On average, females weigh between 110 to 140 lbs, while males weigh between 140 to 175 lbs. The typical height at the withers is around 30-32 inches for males and 28-30 inches for females. It's important to note that these are average measurements; Great Danes can vary in size, with some being larger and others smaller when fully grown. While they don't require a mansion to live in, they do need more space than your average dog. Their crates are essentially doggy mansions, so make sure to clear a spot in your home. With their towering height, Danes can easily reach for the stars - or at least your snacks on the countertop. But don't worry, with a bit of training, they can learn to keep their paws off your treats!



Get A Great Dane For Life

Sure, it's a long list of questions. But a quick stroll through any rescue or shelter will help you understand why answering them before you adopt is so important.

A large number of homeless Danes are a result of careless individuals who neglected to spay or neuter their pets. However, many Danes end up homeless because their owners didn't carefully consider the responsibilities of owning a pet before adopting.

Please, don't make the same mistake. Think before you adopt. Sharing your life with a Greaet Dane can bring incredible rewards, but only if you're willing to make the necessary commitments of time, money, responsibility, and love for the life of the Dane.

If you're ready to adopt a Great Dane for life, please click the links above at the top of the page to see our wonderful Danes available for adoption at  Daisy's Dane Sanctuary.

If someone tugs at your heart and you would like to meet him or her, please fill out an Adoption Application.

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